Sunday, July 26, 2009

Obama And Gates


Why would a lawyer, law professor and President of the USA publicly condemn a police officer over an incident about which the former knows nothing?


How does one "calibrate" one's words???

Just thought I would ask.


  1. Question:

    Why would a law professor publicly chastise a sitting US president over an incident about which the former knows nothing?

  2. Sir,

    As usual, spot-on! How do you, with your considerable professional commitments, find time to produce such a witty, wise and insightful look into the complex beast that is American politics?

    For example, you're far better than They are long-winded and lack your cutting insight. Plus your coverage is far more fulsome, as you comment with both broad strokes and fine detail.

    You should consider approaching some of the "old media" about getting your blog on their websites. I think that once exposed to the enormity of your talents, said media outlets would put your blog on their sites (if they're smart, that is).


    Geoff MacDonald

  3. Lewis,
    "Calibrate" is a metaphor.
    Like "drill down."

  4. To the last respondent,

    Sir, to compare Prof Klar to the National Review, one first has to assume he is a conservative. Conservative? Rush Limbaugh should be turning in his grave!

    Prof Klar is a verging-on-socialist liberal. His support for Judge Sotomayor is a clear indication of that. Further, his support for "glam-girl" Palin, who supports high taxes on hardworking oil companies and the families who work for them, is a clear indication of his socialistic train of thought. He is a Canadian, and even a conservative steeped in the communist twaddle that passes for law school up there is bound to end up a liberal socialist himself.

    No Geoff, if you want a list of "best socialist blogs" just check out Kaus or the Huffington Post. For those who understand what being a conservative is all about, worldnet daily is a good example, and this prof Klar is the opposite, as is this site:

    Michael Boyd
