Saturday, October 3, 2009


This week four interesting stories caught my attention. Here they are (in order of importance):

Talks With Iran:

Good first quarter, West. You had good ball control and have put the Iranian side on the defensive. Although you haven't put any points on the board yet, you have backed up the Iranian side and they have very bad field position going into the second quarter. Let's see what their tricky Quarterback, Ahmanejidad, will do next. So far bringing in a new Q.B. for the West, with his interesting new and "changed" plays, has seemed to work. Will his "magic" prevail? We will see. Remember there is lots of time left in this game.

Poor Polanski:

EXTRADITE him. He raped a thirteen year old girl. He fled the country. He is on the lam. This is no "Fugitive" movie. Different plot. The Hollywood celebs who are crying over him because he makes good movies (a yet unproven defence to a rape charge) are embarrassing themselves. Ok.. not really, since they seem to have no shame, a required ingredient for embarrassing oneself.

The Chicago Non-Olympics:

Too bad for Chicago... maybe. Remember the "Big "O"" Olympic stadium in Montreal - didn't work out so well. How about the President's role in all of this? Was it his fault? No. Is is a big loss for him personally? No. Is it a bit of an embarrassment? Yes. Chicago was the odds on favorite going into this last round. The team of the President, the First Lady, and Oprah went to Denmark to put Chicago over the top. Chicago came last. Maybe the President's presence didn't hurt the bid, but it sure as heck didn't help. Well, win some and lose some.

David Letterman's Confession:

As some of you loyalists will know, I do not like David Letterman. He makes his living by mocking others. He made an extremely offensive joke about an adult (A. Rodriguez) having sex with a 14 (or 18) year daughter of Sarah Palin. He thought this was funny. Never mind that the butt of his joke was a young girl who was not herself a hollywood celebrity, and who should have been off limits. He apologized. Good. Now it seems that Letterman will become the butt of his own jokes. Oh, sweet irony.


  1. Letterman did come off as a creep, yet his audience clapped for him like the trained seals they are.

  2. This entry smells like schadenfreude :D
