Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Julian And Oprah

Two big names in the news down under.

Julian Assange, Wikileaks founder, is front page on today's The Australian. Assange, an Australian citizen, has condemned his government for not stepping up to the plate to defend him against "the numerous public threats of violence against him". In an article published in The Australian, he notes for example the numerous calls in the US for him to be "taken out" by US special forces, and a call by "an advisor to the Canadian Prime Minister's office" that he be assassinated. The Australian angle is interesting. I wonder how the Canadian government would have reacted if Assange were a Canadian citizen?

Then there is the Oprah tour. About 300 Oprah fans, both from the US and Canada, are visting Australia compliments of Oprah. Although apparently mocked by Australia's "elites", the editorial in The Australian commends Oprah for the impact that this "extraordinary woman" has had on her fans. She is noted as having "pioneered discussion of social issues once taboo on mainstream American television". So there it is. All I can add is "good on you, Oprah".


  1. No need to wonder. Harper has denounced Tom Flanagan's remarks on Assange:

    and Calgary police are investigating Flanagan's remarks:

  2. Impact on her fans? Since when are Oprah fans a group of people in need? Actually.. maybe there is something to that.
