Sunday, March 27, 2011

Iraq and Libya: Striking Similarities

Is it just me or does it also appear to you that the U.S. (i.e. Obama) led invasion of Libya is strikingly similar to the U.S. (i.e. George Bush) led invasion of Iraq. Both were originally justified on grounds which were soon departed from. In Iraq, when it became clear that there were no WMD's, the rationale for the war became "regime change". In Libya, the war originally was justified on the "no fly" zone premise - i.e. make sure that the Libyan air force could not be used to attack civilians. When that was quickly accomplished, the West began blowing up Libyan tanks and armor on the ground in order to assist the opposition in their desire for "regime change". Thus in both cases the removal of brutal dictators from power became the raison d'etre for the intervention, although in neither case did it start out that way.

Another similarity is that neither country posed an immediate and direct threat to American or western interests. Yes, both dictators funded and supported terrorists, who did pose a threat. If anything, Iraq posed a greater threat to Western interests and the interests of its neighbors than did Libya. (Remember the invasion of Kuwait?) Libya, in fact, has in recent years shifted somewhat towards assisting the West in fighting Al Quaeda, much more so than one could say of Saddam. Thus, if this was the basis for either of the wars, the invasion of Iraq was more justifiable than the Libyan adventure.

Both countries had repressive and cruel dictators. Although it is difficult to place them on a cruelty scale, if one did, it seems to be that Hussein would best Gaddafi on this scale. After all, he massacred hundreds of thousands of his own people, using chemical weapons to do so. And if one were to use the removal of oppressive dictators as the justification for a foreign intervention, it would be impossible for the West to stop at either Iraq or Libya.

There is one difference. George W. actually sought and obtained Congressional approval for his war. President Obama did not. He was not even around for his war, deciding to go on his South American trade trip instead.

Now do not get me wrong. I am glad that Saddam Hussein was deposed, and I will be glad if Gaddafi is. The fact that we cannot and do not get rid of all repressive dictators is no reason not to get rid of some of them. What bothers me, as it always does, is the hypocrisy of those who were so quick to condemn George W for Iraq, but who now describe the Libyan intervention as a "just war". At least those on the far left who want Obama impeached are consistent.

George W. must be chuckling to himself right now. It will be very interesting to hear what President Obama has to say tonight and what the reaction will be.

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