Friday, January 15, 2010

I Have Been Golfing With Tiger

Some of you may be wondering where I have been. No posts for a while. I confess. I have been playing golf with Tiger on his yacht "Privacy". Hence no blogging. The yacht has a great course - bit long (7000 yards) - but then Tiger is a good driver (the golfing type). I played terribly. Kept hitting it into the water. Tiger and I made a pact. I would come out and blog again when he resumed golf. I broke the pact.

I am in Phoenix. We have had lots of guests over the holidays, and great weather, but now it's back to work. Reading tort cases on line. Who cares if it's sunny and in the 70's (sorry, in the 20's) outside. Nothing beats a good tort case, I say.

Lots have been going on of course that I could be commenting on. What's with the Conservatives, eh? I leave and they have a 15 point lead and three weeks later, all squared. I guess its that "proroguing" thing again. Worked last time for Harper. Pressed his luck I guess.

I get a lot of cable chatter here. Frankly, I am getting sick of it. The polarization in the media in the USA is over the top. Haiti of course is the big story. An unbelievable tragedy. Yet even that can be politicized. Nut bars like Rush Limbaugh come out with moronic theories about Obama being more concerned about Haiti than he was the underwear would be bomber because of race. Democrats praise Obama for his speedy response drawing negative analogies to Bush and Katrina. The cable networks boast about their complete 24/7 coverage of the tragedy running the same clips over and over. Health care debate seems to have taken a bit of a side line but it seems like it will happen. I guess the interesting race to watch is in Massachusetts Tuesday. If the Republican wins, that is big stuff. Might be bad for the health care bill.

Anyway, just wanted to say hello. Hello.


  1. Lewis,
    Are you now taking an indefinite break from Ivory Tower Pundit, to focus your attention on becoming a better blogger? Should we respect your privacy and not hound you?
    Ron C

  2. Hello, back at ya, Lewis.

    Long time no hear from, but, H/T anyway.

    Hope it doesn't get too hot for ya in AZ.

    Take Care, eh?
