Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sid Ryan's Canadian Union of Public Embarrasment

Those who have been reading Canadian newspapers will know of the proposal by Sid Ryan, President of the Ontario Branch of the Canadian Union of Public Employees to ban all Israeli academics from Ontario universities unless they publicly declare their opposition to the Israeli government's actions in Gaza. Mr. Ryan went so far as to compare Israeli government actions in Gaza to the criminal actions of the Nazis. Due presumably to the outcry that these comments have produced, Mr. Ryan has apologized for his Nazi comparison and has softened the proposed ban. Apparently now only Israeli universities are to be banned from collaborations with Ontario academics and institutions or something like that. Frankly, the whole idea of a "ban" of any type is so dispicable and ridiculous that the details of what type of ban is being proposed is irrelevant.

The proposed ban reeks of witch hunts and McCarthyism. Individuals who wish to pursue their academic careers in the Province of Ontario must openly declare their opposition to the Israeli government's actions. I can see the televised Hearing now:

"Professor Bloggs, do you now or have you ever supported the Israeli government? Tell us what is in your heart and mind, Professor Bloggs. Renounce the Israeli government, ask this Hearing for forgiveness from your evil thoughts, and then and only then will you be allow to deliver your lecture on the reproductive organs of the fruit fly in an Ontario university."

There are so many obvious things that have been said and can be said against this evil proposal, that I will not insult your intelligence by repeating them here. Those who are interested in signing a Petition against this ban can go to the Scholars For Peace in the Middle East website (

The whole thing makes my blood boil.

1 comment:

  1. Kudos on the post!
    Can you direct me to any petitions to ban all bans? Now that I might sign!
