Saturday, January 22, 2011

Keith Olbermann Fired

Keith Olbermann, MSNBC's most popular pundit is gone.

While this might come as a surprise to many, it was not to me. I saw this coming long ago, as it is a part of a general rethinking of cable news networks' ideologically dominated "news" shows. It is happening at CNN, MSNBC, and yes, even FOX.

More about this soon. (Got to shovel snow from my roof now).


  1. Unrelated, but thought you'd like this:

    happy shoveling!

  2. You have snow in Arizona, Lewis?? Who knew?

  3. Back in good old Alberta, Marnie. But thanks for reminding me of Phoenix as I wade through 5 feet of snow trying to find my ladder.

  4. lol! awwe...

    Lewis, I hope you're not gonna climb up onto the roof now. It's melting now, and it's gonna keep melting and refreezing for the next few days.

    Very slippery. Wouldn't it be best just to let the snow and ice melt away?
